Polyclinic Atrijum

mojdoktor.ba (EN)     Category     Health Institiutes   Polyclinic Atrijum

Polyclinic Atrijum

Džemala Bijedića 185, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 (0) 33 467-444
+387 (0) 33 922-160
+387 (0) 33 768-768




About Us

Polyclinic started as an internist medical clinic to grow into a contemporary and modern medical center in 2002 delivering health services in the area of general and internal medicine, ophthalmology, sports medicine, laboratory diagnostics.

In May 2014 the infirmary of family medicine started to work as a part of ZZO. Patients with a ZZO issued health card can participate.

A vast specter of health services provided in the Polyclinic Atrijum is additionally supported by the medical skill that is the medical technique used in traditional Chinese medicine named acupuncture. Prim.dr. Mirsad Đugum is specialized in internist medicine and a recognized professor of the traditional Chinese medicine.

Education, experience, enthusiasm and professionalism are our main attributes for providing the best services in the health services sector, thus our clinic is equipped with modern equipment, one of the crucial segments of medical procedures in modern medicine. Our polyclinic is up to date with the global technological trends using the most recent and contemporary medical technology to date.

With the goal of providing complete and high quality services to our patients, Atrijum Polyclinic has opened a modern Radiology Center Atrijum. Our patients now have at their disposal a spiral CT and a universal RTG apparatus.  



Internist physical examination

Internist physical examination is recommended at least once a year.

Every patient in the Polyclinic atrium is offered a chance to meet the staff and choose a personal doctor.

  1. When a patient comes to the polyclinic, first his medical records are opened. This document serves for the tracking of patient and all of its examinations, tests and other documentation.


We would like to emphasize that all patients with medical conditions treated prior to consulting our polyclinic bring their medical records, medications, and all other documentation for review at the time of the physical exam in our clinic. The copies of the documents will be made and placed in patient’s medical record in our clinic, and the originals will be returned to the patient.

  1. The next step is the interview with the doctor that is done in the adequate offices; we would like to note that we employ high ethical principles of the doctor- patient relationship and confidentiality. This interview is where all the main information about the patient, his current health condition, earlier diseases, treatments, operations, hospitalizations, inherited diseases and other information is obtained.

Patients can ask and inform themselves of any and all issues or questions they may have during this physical exam.

  1. The next step is the physical exam that involves the measurement of blood pressure, ECG and physical exam in a more focused manner.
  2. The last step is the information when to collect results of lab tests made.
  3. In the afternoon schedule the doctors that examined the patient summarize the findings. Patients can consult with a doctor on all their queries. The doctor will also provide clear instructions if any additional therapies and tests are needed at this stage of the exam.
  4. We assure our patients that all examinations are performed by licensed and expert staff using sophisticated equipment, under terms acceptable by our patients, and in accordance with high ethical principles mentioned above.

The expert staff of Polyclinic Atrium is expecting you.


Health in the workplace

Annual physical exams

Radiology Center

Laboratory services

Sports physical examination

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland

Color Doppler of neck blood vessels in patients

Special annual physical exam programs for managers

Cardiac Ultrasound (Echocardiogram)


Holter monitor 24 or 48 hours of ECG


Abdominal ultrasound

Holter monitor of blood pressure – 24 hours


Registration for family medicine/primary care


Prim.dr. Mirsad ĐugumInternist, Cardiologist
Mr.sci. dr. Aida KriještoracInternist, Master of Medical Sciences
Mr.sci. dr. Amir OmerbašićInternist, Master of Medical Sciences
dr. Aida UdovčićFamily Medicine
Lejla ĆanoMedical and Laboratory Ddiagnostic Engineer
Emina GadžoGraduate Nurse- BA in health care and therapy


