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Therapeutic Center NUR

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The base of this therapy is the technique TUI NA Chinese traditional medicine, which is a manual therapy that stimulates the flow of energy in human body.

Meridians cover all the systems in the human body. The system of organs, sensory organ, muscles, nerves, endocrine systems and emotions, wrists, bones. Nur therapy stimulates acupressure points of certain meridians by which the normal flow of energy is restored through the meridian and as an effect the physical problem and/or disease of certain organ/system is resolved. Nur-therapy discontinues current and prevents any new disease in patients’ body therefore preserving longevity. Any progressive diseases linked to certain body systems can be efficiently treated with Nur-therapy.

Nur-therapy is a result of 15 years of extensive therapeutic practice based on 5000 old eastern medicine and its holistic approach to human body.  Year of individual work with patients resulted in a series of techniques that gave better and faster results in treating many illnesses and difficulties, all of which have been incorporated in Nur- therapy.  

With all the love, knowledge and experience that has been invested into Nur-therapy, its fruitful results will definitely leave beneficial mark on your health.

Yours Nurdina Delić

Brochure “Ruke koje liječe” can be downloaded from here. 



The base of this therapy is the technique TUI NA Chinese traditional medicine, which is a manual therapy that stimulates the flow of energy in human body.

Meridians cover all the systems in the human body. The system of organs, sensory organ, muscles, nerves, endocrine systems and emotions, wrists, bones. Nur therapy stimulates acupressure points of certain meridians by which the normal flow of energy is restored through the meridian and as an effect the physical problem and/or disease of certain organ/system is resolved. Nur-therapy discontinues current and prevents any new disease in patients’ body therefore preserving longevity. Any progressive diseases linked to certain body systems can be efficiently treated with Nur-therapy.

Nur-therapy is a result of 15 years of extensive therapeutic practice based on 5000 old eastern medicine and its holistic approach to human body.  Year of individual work with patients resulted in a series of techniques that gave better and faster results in treating many illnesses and difficulties, all of which have been incorporated in Nur- therapy.  

With all the love, knowledge and experience that has been invested into Nur-therapy, its fruitful results will definitely leave beneficial mark on your health.


Is a process that activates the entire body, including the face.

Lymphatic drainage starts with the passage of large and small intestine which is the source of all the impurities is the stomach. Lymphatic system is our defence system that protects us from the outside influences, bacteria, viruses, etc. Keeping and preserving a strong immune system is a formula for good health, and we achieve that through smooth functions of the lymphatic system in the intercellular space. This is because the lymph does not have its own pump like the blood system. To the contrary, it moves by muscle contractions. If lymphatic system would, for some reason, stop working, it would have a lethal effect on human body in only 24h. This is one of the most important functions of lymph. The lymph exchanges nutritious materials from capillaries to every single cell and intercellular space, after which it serves as sewerage in taking away all of the waste products from the already mentioned intercellular space from capillaries all the way to washing those out via blood system. Various swellings (lymphoedematous) in our body are first signs that our lymph system is not working properly. This was the shortest possible introduction to the lymphatic system and its very important function in human body.


Efficiently removes all the painful syndromes of the spine column in all its segments. Painful syndrome of the cervical neck spine has become and epidemics due to the stressful life we live. Psyche causes a spasm – cramp of the muscles that produces their own metabolic harmful product to us known as lactic acid which, over time and due to inability of its elimination, creates swelling or myogeloses inside the muscles. Because it is a redundant substance it puts pressure on the nerves and blood vessels initiating pain. If not treated and eliminated by massage, myogeloses,depending on its location, in time starts creating problems like headache, dizziness etc. - if located in the region of shoulder belt; if located in the region of shoulder blades it creates pressure on the nerve and blood vessels that nourish the arms, so the arms can start felling numb, painful, or a person can start losing the sense in hands. This is just a small number of stated symptoms that are a consequence of stress and constant spasm that is happening in this part of your body. There is an old saying that we carry the burden of life on our shoulders. It is medically proven that if all of the stated symptoms are not treated or removed in ten year time, we start falling in depressive state and depression which, in time, can lead to organ disorders developing more serious and progressive diseases.


Applying ampoules or cocktails on the face and body with an apparatus for mesotherapy that works on the principle of electro poration. Treatment is painless impacting skin mainly due to the fact that certain electro waves insert the content of the ampoules or cocktails into the deep parts of dermis and epidermis of the face and body.


With the moves of lymphatic drainage we first clean the face with gel for degreasing the skin of the face, then we do the piling. After piling with the moves of lymphatic drainage and depending on the type of skin and the problem we are trying to solve, we apply ampoule, then mask, and massage the content for 20 min. Extra content is removed with tonic; for deep hydration the gel is applied around the eyes and face crème in accordance with the type of skin and the problem we are trying to solve. Aside of excellent results of this therapy on pores and preserving the young skin, outstanding results are also achieved while treating rosacea all thanks to the type of the therapy and the way products are applied during the treatment – manual lymphatic drainage.


Why is hydration of the body so important? The skin is the largest organ that protects us from all the outside effects and because of that it demands special attention as it is constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses, fungi and weather conditions.

Preserving the moisture of the skin has multiple benefits.

    -Hydrated skin looks young, gentle, velvety and soft
    -Hydrated skin preserves the collagen fibres from puncturing and by that it also protects them from formation of stretch marks and visible cellulite
    -Anticellulite creams cannot go deep enough, penetrating to required 3-4mm in tissue, if the skin is not hydrated. As a result, the cream will stay on the surface of the skin and so the effects of these very expensive creams are annulled.

Treatment of hydration starts with a piling and then applying mask depending on the type of the skin and the NMF milk for the body, treatment is done with the moves of lymphatic drainage so that the intercellular space is cleared of toxins and the skin is even further nurtured and moisturized!


RF – enhances and stimulates the making of collagen, taking in consideration that by aging we naturally lose collagen creating a web of pores, stretch marks, and visible cellulite on our body.

Once a pore is created it cannot be removed because there has been a breaking of collagen fibres. Stimulation of the surrounding collagen that bulbs up results in decrease of pores that become less deep and less visible.

RF – stimulates the excretion of new collagen using heat. By shrinking the fibres we stimulate the body to excrete a new collagen so that the results are partially visible right away, due to the shrinking of collagen fibres and straining of the skin, with even more visible results after 24h to 48h when the body naturally produces a new collagen; from three to six treatments are done depending on the age category; treatments are done every 15 days, to maintain the effects do treatments every 2 months. Collagen fibre lives 90 days and we cannot allow for its full depreciation so in the middle of its life time we stimulate it again to revive it. RF is a way to achieve fantastic results in treatments of face and body with anticellulite treatments, treatments of skin straining anywhere on the body.


Reflexotherapy or facial reflexology  is a modern and contemporary treatment technique that has its foundation in a thousand year old experiences and records of Chinese traditional medicine. Its advantage is that it focuses on the source and not the consequences of the disease. Also, it balances out not only physical but emotional and thought processes of an individual. Its founder, professor of reflexology Lone Sorensen, in its method combined the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, the techniques of healing of South American natives, and the people of Vietnam. She combined effective traditional knowledge with the modern knowledge of neuroanatomy.

“If we consider our skin like the messenger that connects the outside world with the brain, it should not surprise the great effect that massage has on our minds.” Lone Sorensen


Health and problems of the spine have their reflection on the reflexology zone on the inner side of our feet. With the method of neurological reflexology on feet, Praxis  Vertebralis, we have the possibility to achieve corrections of the spine. In comparison to its classic manipulation that is done immediately on the spine, neurological reflexotherapy is done on the feet and with it carries practically no risk of injury. By working on the feet we relax the roots of our spinal nerves, and reflexive effect on the feet involves deep stimulation going over the peripheral and vegetative nerve system to all of the muscles, joints, bones, inner organs, hormonal systems, and the brain. By bringing back the structural balance of the spine, diseases, as in emotional problems, are firstly soften, to be completely removed at the end.


Japanese Cosmo lifting of the face is a neuron-sensory method of stimulation of the muscles that is performed by fingers and the use of only natural products. With Japanese Cosmo lifting we shape the face in a way that after the treatment, thanks to the lifting of the tissue, it remains fresh and glowing, the muscles of the face are toned, and the pores are minimalized. By stimulating the central nervous system and acupuncture points, treatment brings in balance the spiritual as well as physical health. Furthermore, with the effect on the reflexive zones of organic systems we achieve great results in the look of the entire face, simultaneously beneficially affecting the health of the skin and physical problems. It is a health and beauty in one session and is available to women and men of all age. The lack of water in a cell is intensified with the process of aging, Due to a large number of capillaries and nerves this is especially visible on the facial skin. The treatment is closely related to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine that looks to a human body as a net of channels in which the unobstructed flow of energy secures health and beauty. We can define the occurrence of more expressed pores in two ways – they occur as an expression of internal sensations and habits, or we can look at them as emotional scars. Japanese Cosmo lifting of the face relaxes the person from inner tension. This can explain the good mood that the clients are overwhelmed with in the course of the treatment. Japanese Cosmo lifting, without any side effects, secures equally long and quality result and is an excellent alternative to surgical interventions for face rejuvenation.


Tibetan reflexotherapy of the head and neck is a modern form of reflexotherapy of the author Lone Sorensen, which is based on more than 30 years of her own experience with micro reflexive maps and healing philosophy cultures from various parts of the world

Tibetan reflexotherapy of the head and neck is extremely efficient in case of problems like: problems created by bad body posture, tensing of the muscles in the entire body, rheumatic diseases, phantom pain, high blood pressure, headache, stomach ulcer, insomnia, hysteria, dementia, cerebral damages, vertigos, numbness, swelling, palpitation, hormonal imbalances and many others.

Tibetan system of healing is a synthesis of an Indian (Ayurveda), Persian (unani), Greek traditional system of healing, system of the elders in Tibet and Chinese medical systems. Tibetan system of healing is used to this day in Tibet, India, Bhutan, Ladakhu, Siberia, China, Mongolia, and lately in several parts of Europe and North America. It is based on the belief that every disease grows because of the three “poisons” of the spirit: ignorance, attachments and hatred.

Uniting the knowledge from around the world of systems of healing based on thousand years of experience, knowledge and intuition, Tibetans created their own principle of medical science.

Long time ago, even before the Buddhism came to Tibet, Tibetans, as an ancient humans, had a high level of medical knowledge. In the beginning of 4th century new ideas in the field of medicine started occurring in Tibet. The first influences came from India. These were the origins of Ayurveda medicine. Between the 7th and 8th century the Tibetan government started financing the conference in which the doctors form medical systems in China, Persia, India and Greece presented and debated about their views on health and treatment of the disease, all with the cause of developing their skills in diagnostics, treatments and understanding of the disease.


