Polyclinic Dr. Šabić

mojdoktor.ba (EN)     Category     Health Institiutes   Polyclinic Dr. Šabić

Polyclinic Dr. Šabić

Ulica Bulevar Kulina Bana br. 30, 72000 Zenica
+387 32 44 22 00
+387 32 44 22 01

Working hours

MOnday -Friday

07:30 - 19:30


08:00 - 13:00




About Us

Polyclinic “Dr. Šabić” is designed and established in 2003 as a private medical practice specialized in all medical services and involves top team of specialist with a laboratory and physical therapy.

Maximal focus to the patient, with the emphasis on sophisticated equipment and availability of preventive and non invasive diagnostic methods provides a possibility of early detection and treatment of a large number of diseases. In accordance with the development of medicine in the world and huge progress in treating diseases, polyclinic “Dr. Šabić” in all segments does not fall behind the most renowned foreign clinics.

It is equipped with the most sophisticated equipment that ensures a high degree of independence in diagnostics, treatment and tracking of the disease and the possibility to perform a surgery.

Highly qualified and well organized team of medical professionals with years of expert work, and special education and successes in world of medicine, guarantees security to every patient related to the way of treatment, rehabilitation and counselling in orthopaedics and traumatology, internal medicine (cardiology, haematology, neurology, diabetology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, and others) with diagnostics, lab diagnostics and physical medicine and rehabilitation.

Clinic currently has six permanent employees, four of which hold university degrees (two doctors, physiotherapist and biologist) and two employees of medium level qualification (two nurses). Beside the permanent employees we have numerous associates. Every employee of the clinic has completed a special on the job training and is actively contributing our environment which values human characteristics and professional expertise.

Preventive action and early discovery of disorders in organism brings harmony in your life.



Orthopaedics and traumatology

  • Specialist examination
  • Consulting specialist examination
  • Inspection specialist examination
  • Ultrasound of joints
  • Ultrasound of several segments
  • Ultrasound of children hips
  • Ultrasound of soft tissue (tendons, muscle ruptures, abscess etc.)
  • Circumcision of children and adults
  • Puncture of joints
  • Infections in wrists(blockage or injection for renewal of cartilage)
  • Operation under local anaesthesia (mounting external fixator, meniscus surgery, surgery for varicose veins, surgery ingrown hairs, remove smaller tumours, moles, warts, operations shortened tendons, etc.)
  • Grouting and removing plaster immobilization
  • Repositioning
  • Surgical treatment of wounds
  • Toilet of the wound
  • Computer footprint(Emed)
  • Recommendation and setting orthopaedic devices
  • ACP therapy
  • Reading X-ray
  • Treatment of patients with disability commission
  • Forensic medical expertise

We inform you that the orthopaedic and Traumatology clinic receives emergency patients.

Ultrasound diagnostics

  • Ultrasound of stomach with kidneys
  • Ultrasound of bladder, prostate and testicles
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid
  • Ultrasound of carotids
  • Ultrasound of soft tissue (muscles, tendons, hematomas, abscess...)
  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • As other ultrasound examinations
  • Colour Doppler of veins
  • Colour Doppler of arteries  
  • Colour Doppler of veins and arteries

Internal Medicine

  • Specialist examination
  • Examinations of subspecialist
  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • ECG
  • Ergomentry
  • Holter of ECG or Holter TA
  • Consultation for TH and reading of INR
  • Gastroscopy
  • Spirometry

Physical medicine and rehabilitation

  • General massage
  • Massage of one region
  • Lymphatic drainage of one region
  • Shiatsu massage
  • General aroma therapy with essential oils
  • Sports massage
  • Relaxing general massage
  • Electromagnetic simulative therapy eMRS
  • Galvanisation
  • Indifferent current
  • Electro stimulation
  • Diadynamic currents
  • Electrophoresis
  • TENS
  • Ultrasound
  • Light therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Magnetic therapy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Thermotherapy
  • Kinesiotherapy of one limb
  • House visit of a certified physiotherapist

Laboratory diagnostics

  • Hematologic
  • KKS, DKS
  • SE
  • Time of bleeding and clotting
  • Biochemistry
  • Blood sugar, A1C,
  •   Urea, creatinine, creatinine clearance, uric acid, uric acid in 24 h urine, CK-creatinine kinase
  • Protein, albumin, globulin, proteinuria,
  • Fe, UIBC, TIBC,
  • AST, ALT, GGT, LDH, ALP, bilirubin,
  • Cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL,
  • JONOGRAM, calcium, phosphorus,
  • Amylase (serum and urine)
  • LEVEL of drugs (carbamazepine, valproic acid, PHENOBARBITOL) and others
  • Coagulation
  • Protrombin time and fibrinogen
  • Serology
  • Astoria, CRP and rheumatism factor
  • Immunochemistry
  • GENERAL-tumour markers CEA,
  •   Gynaecological tumour markers-CA125,
  • Thyroid hormone-TSH, FT3 and FT4
  • Adrenal hormones-cortical, androsterone, DHEAS,
  • Gynaecological HORMONES-LH, estradiol, FSH, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone and others.
  • Tests
  • test for Helicobacter pylori
  • Occult blood test
  • HIV 1/2
  • Hepatitis B (HBsAg)
  • Hepatitis C (HCV)
  • Microbiology
  • Swabs of throat, nose, wounds, urine culture, antibiogram, CHAIR parasite, stool culture and others.
  • Urine
  • Sediments of urine and general examination of urine

Other services

  • Giving injections
  • Giving injections with prolong effect
  • Providing infusion 100 ml
  • Providing infusion 500 ml
  • Giving antibiotics
  • Health counselling specialist
  • House visit of nurses
  • EE(Electroencephalography)
  • EMG (Electromyoneurography)


Prim.dr. Nedžad ŠabićSurgeon, Orthopedic-Traumatological Surgery Specialist


