Ordination Zubčević

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Ordination Zubčević

Potoklinica 26, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 238 808
+387 61 222 458

Working hours

Monday - Friday   08:00 - 20:00

Saturday  09:00 - 14:00




About Us

Private practice for physical medicine and acupuncture Dr. Hariz Zubčević was established in 2001. We will help you in treatment of various symptoms and diseases of skeletal muscle or nervous system using our many years of experience, the application of the newest methods and equipment for physical medicine and rehabilitation, thus extensive practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

In our clinic you have an opportunity to make orthopaedic insoles based on Pedobarography (computer diagnostics of deformation of the foot).

We treat:

Neck syndrome, lumbar syndrome(disc Hernia), arthritis of the shoulder joint, knee joint and hip, sport injury, neurological disease, state after a stroke, all types of headache, migraines, n.trigeminusa neuralgia, paralysis n.facialisa, deformed feet.

Ordination Zubčević in the cooperation with the Centre Ortho Aria and a partner diagnostics centres in B&H is one of the few institutions in the world who established this type of comprehensive and whole series of expert staff, computer diagnostics and computer making of orthopaedic insoles.

Forget about fatigue and pain when using our orthopaedic insoles... walk comfortably!!!


Specialist examination by rheumatologist

Peri and intra-articular blocking

Specialist examination by physician


Laser therapy

Analgesic current

Magnetic therapy

Ultrasound therapy, sonophoresis

Kinetic therapy - training with an individual approach to each patient

Pedobarography and robotic manufacture of orthopaedic insoles

Manual massage (partial and general)


The foot is an organ of support and movement and because of that it is very important for it to be functionally preserved, that is to be able to function in the case of deformation or injuries so that each person could be able to walk move and to raise the quality of life.

Pedobarography is and electronic measurement of the load on the foot and the pedbarographical analysis shoes distribution of plantar pressure. It is based on the finding of electronic sensors that are installed in special platforms for walking.

The platform itself is connected straight to the computer system that is programmed for two dimensional or three dimensional analysis of the function of the foot during walking or standing. After the diagnostic procedures and given data in EMED system, digitalization of the foot of the patient the files are transferred in 3D graphical form, by which with the CAD/CAM system gives the possibility of three dimensional movements of orthopaedic insoles and it is individual for every patient.

After designing the orthopaedic insole by the doctor, the given data are transferred to the robot machine which makes the orthopaedic insoles from a certain type o material with great speed.

The materials itself are of premium quality and they are chosen by the needs and characteristics of the individual.

The main functions of orthopaedic insole are:

  • Neutralisation of the foot in biomechanical correct position
  • Stabilisation of the foot in foot wear.
  • Amortisation during movement
  • Adaptation of the foot to footwear and the surface we are walking on.

Orthopaedic insoles have a corrective, therapeutic and preventive role. Computer diagnostics of the foot and the making of individual orthopaedic insoles should be carried out with:

  • Kids with foot deformities (flat feet, hollowed feet...)
  • Persons that have often occurring pains in their feet, knees and back
  • Persons that have a plantar fasciitis, that is spinu calcanei
  • If there is a need to equalize the length of lower extremities, that often differs
  • For sportsman, by using the individual orthopaedic insoles they can relief the pressure on cartilage, tendons and ligaments, and by doing so prevent further injuries
  • For persons that do a certain professions in which they are obligated to stand on their feet longer than usual (ex. Dentists, barbers, salesmen, workers with machines etc.)


Prim.dr. Hariz ZubčevićPhysician, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Subspec. in Rheumatology

