Dental clinic Sulejmanagić (EN)     Category     Health Institiutes   Dental clinic Sulejmanagić

Dental clinic Sulejmanagić

Avdage Šahinagića 11, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 236 118
+387 33 440-641

Working hours

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00-20:00

Tuesday, Thursday 10:00-18:00

Second Saturday in month 10:00-18.00




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About Us

Our dental practice was established back in 1930 by Mr. Hajrudin Ismailović, a renowned sarajevan dentist and a father of Prim.dr.Ajša Ismailović-Sulejmanagić. Mr. Hajrudin Ismailović worked as dental technician for dr. Mirko Orešković and Miroslav Švarc from 1930 to 1934; in 1934 in front of the commission of Kingdom of Yugoslavia in Belgrade he passed the exam which enabled him to practice dental technical practices in the entire territory of B&H.

From 1941-1953 he performed a private independent practice as a dentist technician. From 1948 he officially passed the exam for providing dentistry practice for the area of city of Sarajevo which he successfully maintained until the end of 1962, when this type of private practice has been abolished by the law. Mrs. Ismailović idea and desire for continuing the family tradition in dentistry was accomplished on 26.08.1991. by reopening and officially registering the practice at the same location where Mr, Hajrudin Ismailović used to performed the dentistry work.

The family tradition has been continued by his daughter Dr. Ajša Ismailović Sulejmanagić and then his grandchildren Dr. Naida Hadžiabdić, which has graduated from Dentistry faculty of University of Sarajevo in 2002 and currently holds the title of Senior University Assistant at the Department of Oral Surgery as a Master of Dentistry Science and Specialist of Oral Surgery, and Dr. Nedim Sulejmanagić that has successfully joined the practice since July 2006. In the photo gallery you can see exhibited the old dentist chair from 1886 from Mrs. Ismailović representing many years of dentistry tradition in the family.




Prof.dr.sci. Halid SulejmanagićDentist, Oral Surgery Specialist
Prim.dr. Ajša Ismailović-SulejmanagićDentist, Specialist of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Doc.Dr. Sc Naida HadžiabdićDentist, Oral Surgery Specialist
Dr. Nedim SulejmanagićDentist, Oral Surgery and Implantology Specialist


