Alea dr. Kandić (EN)     Category     Health Institiutes   Alea dr. Kandić

Alea dr. Kandić

Avdage Šahinagića 5, 71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 538 100
+387 61 358 563
+387 61 229 397




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About Us

Medical institution “Alea dr. Kandić” is located in the #5 Avdage Šahinagića Street in the old town area (Sarajevo), just across the city hall. It was envisioned to provide you with everything in one place and in the shortest time possible basing its vision on highly experienced staff, well organized space and sophisticated equipment. Medical institution “Alea dr. Kandic” is offering you examinations from the field of surgery, gynaecology, internist cardiology services, house visits and all of the specialities and subspecialties patient may need. Besides the three main health services in the institution  you may use services and be examined or operated by the specialist of otorhinolaryngology (ear, throat and nose), orthopaedics, aesthetic surgery and reconstructive surgery, urology, vascular surgery, medicine of sport. Every examination that you desire and need will be made possible in the shortest time period and by the most experienced expert of subspecialist services: Haematologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, podiatrist, nephrologists, neurologist, nerupshyciactrist, dermatologist, psychologist, orthopaedist, specialist of uterine and every other needed specialist. Services of the health institution “Alea dr. Kandic” are provided in two completely separate areas: Clinic and diagnostics, that is Polyclinic and stationary or hospital part.



Surgical infirmary

  • Surgical infirmary with a clean and dirty bandage stations
  • Surgical hall form small surgical interventions – lymphoma, fibroma, skin changes, circumcisions with a special instruments and a laser.
  • Coloproctology infirmary

Coloproctology infirmary

  • Examination of the end part of the large intestine, anus
  • Digitorectal examination
  • Endoscopy, examination of anus region with an endoscope
  • Proctoscopy, and examination of the end part of the large intestine – rectum
  • All kinds of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the end part of the large intestine(TEM, TER, incision, excision, laser removal of sexually transmitted warts, removal of polyps, adenomas ...
  • Biopsy of all changes with a pathohistological findings up to three days
  • Most modern and maximally successful methods of treatment of all phases of haemorrhoids with ultrasound Doppler technique: method DG HAL-RAR
  • Aesthetic surgery, tattoo removal

Endoscopy in anaesthesia


  • Gastroscopy, duodenoscopy, colonoscopy, proctoscopy, endoscopy, colposcopy, cystoscopy, celioscopy, laparoscopy
  • Endoscopy according to your preference and in the anaesthesia –sedation
  • Removing polyps of all sizes and localization, stopping the bleeding, biopsy at endoscopy

Biopsy results are available in three days. Quick response teams of the most experienced specialists, gastroenterologists, pathologists, anaesthetists, surgeons

Ultrasound cabinet

  • Ultrasound of abdomen (belly), gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, liver, spleen, retroperitoneal
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid
  • Ultrasound of breasts
  • Ultrasound of the door
  • Urological ultrasound (ultrasound of the testicles, bladder, prostate)
  • Ultrasound of pelvic organs
  • Gynaecological ultrasound
  • Pregnancy and pregnancy monitoring apparatus 4 D
  • Colour Doppler blood vessels of the abdomen, colour Doppler of the upper, lower extremities (arms and legs), colour Doppler intracranial blood vessels (brain), colour Doppler of the blood vessels of the neck
  • Ultrasound of muscles, bones, joints
  • Urological ultrasound (ultrasound of the heart with the apparatus 4 D, which provides all the benefits
  • Transanal, transrectal and transvaginal ultrasound the latest machine, General Electric Logiq F8

Internist medicine and cardiology

  • Internist examinations
  • Holter monitor (24 hour recording) ECG, Holter monitor of blood pressure
  • Echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart)
  • Ergometry
  • Programs of heart diseases
  • Doppler of the blood vessels
  • Preoperative internist and cardiologist examinations
  • Screening examinations for managers
  • Annual physical examinations
  • Psychotherapy and monitoring of the third age
  • Domestic and stationary medical and palliative care in specially equipped apartments with trained professional team
  • Home visits
  • COMING SOON: accommodation, palliative care for elderly and weak with complete medical support!

Laboratory diagnostics

  • All of the analysis o blood and urine
  • All gemmological analysis – results of the blood count
  • All biochemical analysis - urea and blood sugar, liver (hepatocellular, liver enzymes, liver biopsy) and pancreatic analysis, rheumatologic factors
  • All hormones
  • All tumour markers
  • Microbiological analysis (blood, urine, stool, puncture, secretions - mucus ...)


  • Gynaecological examinations, diagnostics and therapy
  • Vaginal swabs; swabs of the cervix. Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, aerobic, anaerobic; The Pap test, HPV typing; colposcopic examinations, Spermiogram
  • Ultrasound latest 3D - 4D machine
  • Pregnancy and pregnancy monitoring, 4 D ultrasound
  • Early detection of cervical cancer, ovarian cancer
  • Abrasion of genital warts
  • Conisation
  • Gynaecological standard and laparoscopic surgery


Prof.dr. Zuvdija KandićAbdominal Surgery Specialist, Subspec. Digestive Surgery
Prim.dr. Ismet AdemovićGinekolog, spec. ginekolog-opstetricar - Gynecologist, Gynecologist-Opstetricar Specialist
Prim.dr. Sead DivovićInternist, Cardiologist Nadža Zubčević Internist, Gastroenterologist, Gastroenterohepatologist
dr. Fejzo MulamekićAnesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist
dr. Amela PljakićRadiologist, Radiology Diagnostic Specialist
Dr. Hilimija KačamakovićAnesthesiologist Specialist
dr. Lejla ĆatićSurgeon,Plastic Surgery Specialist
dr. Alma KandićGynecologist
Dr. Dinela KandićDoctor of Dental Science
Dr. Adis KandićGeneral and Abdominal Surgery Specialist

