Pharmacy A-TWIN (EN)     Category     Pharmacies   Pharmacy A-TWIN

Pharmacy A-TWIN

Zmaja od Bosne 40 , 71000 Sarajevo
+387(33) 715555
+387(33) 715554

Working hours

Monday - Friday 09:00 - 20:00

Saturday           09:00 - 16:00




About Us

Company A-TWIN Ltd. Was established with an intention to introduce the Bosnian market with the options available for prevention and treatment of health issues. Our main mission is active participation in raising individual awareness in preserving health with natural methods, means and products. In practice we combined the knowledge of classical medicine with a complementary medical and wellness methods. During our work we designed a series of programs that include natural diagnostic methods and measurements, and we introduced a series of new nutrients and program suitable for preservation of health and beauty of an individual.

The core mission of quality and continuous education and specialization was confirmed in any years of work on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and crowned by the ISO certificate of quality 9001:2008. As proud owners of this certificate we have a duty justify our quality, and upgrade our scale of development to the next level.

Brands that we represent are categorized as those of extraordinary quality and effectiveness:

  1. TwinLab: Twinlab is an American brand that for more than 40 years excels with its high quality and specialized food supplements. Products of Twinlab are based on the most recent scientific discoveries, and are produced by the highest pharmaceuticals standards. Special attention is brought to production of each of the separate series: vitamins, minerals, sports nutrition, specialized formulas and amino acids. Twinlab’s goal is not only to be the first but also to be the best. Quality is derivative of the fact that the production is subjected to the highest standards and controls possible so that the product in the final form would truly be a reflection of quality requested by the market.
  2. Life Time: Life Time is and American producer of nutraceuticals registered in the program TRUE LABEL, which proves that the products of the company Life Time guarantee to hold up to the principles of their proclamation. From the very beginning the motto of Life Time Company was contained in three elements that are fully subjected to the test of the end user: PURITY-QUALITY-PRICE. From the variety of Life Time offer the liquid calcium magnesium citrate especially stands out as a medicine that has been chosen for many years in treating osteoporosis and ostheopeny.
  3. ChildLife: ChildLife is and American producer of supplements specially intended for children and new-borns. It excels with great experience in the care of new-borns and children’s health. ChildLife essential supplements are made out of the top quality natural materials. They do not contain artificial additives, flavour enhancer, artificial sweetener, artificial colours or alcohol. Great taste of the supplements ensures they become part of the everyday children routine. Ten products that ChildLife has in its offer have showed to be efficient support in a healthy growth, development of the child and enhancing natural immunity.
  4. Specifics offer of our pharmacy represent CHA teas with a rich offer of flavour that invigorates the mind and the body.

List of services:

  • Choice of products intended for certain groups with specific needs (new-borns and children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly...)
  • Import of the products that are needed for the smaller segment of the population and are commercially less interesting but individually extremely necessary.
  • Parallel education about application of listed products by which we try to stimulate the responsibility of every individual for their own health and try to point out the possibility of prevention (or eventual treatment) using natural products.
  • Presentation of products by so called “expert marketing” is manly intended for pharmaceutics and doctors, and education of the consumer thoroughly and argumentatively without bombastic commercialize campaigns.



