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Prim.dr. Taib DelićGynecologist, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
Dr. Samir ČustovićAbdominal Surgery Specialist, Subspec. Digestive Surgery
Prof.dr. Zoran VatavukOphthalmologist, Ophthalmologist Specialist
dr. Željko MišanovićPhysician, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Sanja ŠehovićRadiologist, Radiology Diagnostic Specialist
dr. Senad MaksićGeneral Surgery Specialist, Traumatologist
Suad HadžovićMedical Technician and Optician Senad GriševićOphthalmologist, Ophthalmologist Specialist
Prim.dr. Sadik KapisazovićGeneral and Abdominal Surgery Specialist
Dr.sci. Zelija VelijaEndocrinologist, Internal Medicine Specialist
Mr.sci. dr. Vernesa HadžiosmanovićAnesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist
Sead MilavicaMedical Treatment Abroad
Prof.dr. Zuvdija KandićAbdominal Surgery Specialist, Subspec. Digestive Surgery Sanja Sefić KasumovićOphthalmologist, Ophthalmologist Specialist
Acad. prof.dr. Vjekoslav GercInternist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Hypertenser Internist Subspecialist
Dr. Sabina CeroSpecialist in Psychiatry and Rheumatology
prim.dr. Šerif BešlićRadiologist, Radiology Diagnostic Specialist
dr. Renato JanušićOtorinolaringology Specialist, Subspec. in Neck Tumor Surgery
Dr.sci. Suad JaganjacRadiology Specialist, Subspec. Interventional Radiology